Static and Animated GOBO Effects

What is a Gobo and why would I have one at my special event?
A “Gobo” is a small stenciled, circular metal disc, and is used in lighting fixtures to create a projected image or pattern. The term Gobo is short for “Go Between Optics”, describing the location where it needs to be positioned in the light path of a lighting fixture. Technology today allows Cavo Entertainment to create the classic look of a metal Gobo disc using modern computers and professional LED projectors. There are five categories of Gobos:
Classic Monograms: These designs feature lots of embellishments, script text, initials and other elements are popular in projected monogram designs.
Posh Monograms: These designs have a stunning eye caching look and may include color.
Animated Monograms: One of the latest trends in Gobo projection, these animated designs add a unique aspect to your design.
Accents: These designs can fill blank wall space with these whimsical projections.
Atmospheres: Fireworks, night skies, and other elements to help transform your event.